Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How to capture the screen with frame specific?

    CGRect mRect = CGRectMake(0,0,730,905);
    [self.containerView.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
    UIImage *viewImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

mRect is any frame which you wanted to take screen shot and containerview is the view where we need to take the screenshot.


  1. What programming language did you use for this?

    Is it similar to android app development?


    IOS Development

  2. Objective C is the Programming language....its not similar to Android. Its Apple technologies

  3. iOS App Developers: You want your iPhone or iPad development to use only the most advanced solutions so that the app can have the latest features. This is only possible if the iOS developers are well versed in the latest version of the iOS. While having a personal interaction with your iPhone developers it will be a good idea if you can talk about their expertise in iOS and the versions that they are comfortable with. If you find that they do not have proficiency on the latest iOS versions, it's a good idea to look for somebody else.
